Monroe Church of God is a kingdom-minded congregation that understands that we are part of the body of Christ, which encompasses many different members. Our spiritual covering is an international fellowship of churches called the "Church Of God". Because of this fellowship, we are part of a worldwide movement with over 7 million members that make up a large spiritual family.  Monroe Church of God is a multi-cultural and multi-generational church where people of all races, backgrounds, and walks of life come together to worship, grow in their relationship with God, and discover authentic relationships. 

From students to professionals, preschoolers to senior adults, we have ministries tailored specifically to every family member. Our prayer is that you will experience firsthand the love and power of Christ in your life.

We trust that you will discover Monroe Church of God to be a church full of people who love God and are excited to serve Him. This is "The Church That Love Is Building!"


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